What ages do you work with?
Around 4 months of age, babies start developing stronger circadian rhythms, and are able to start working toward a real sleep schedule. However, we can do a lot of prep work in those newborn months-laying a good sleep foundation early on will help prevent many sleep problems! Please see my packages for maternity and newborn consultations.
There really is no age limit for helping everyone get quality sleep, however I prefer to work with children up to age 4, based on my own training, knowledge, and experience.
There really is no age limit for helping everyone get quality sleep, however I prefer to work with children up to age 4, based on my own training, knowledge, and experience.
How quickly do your methods work?
We will discuss several different methods to help your child sleep better. Depending upon the method you choose, you can see results in as little as three days, while more gradual methods can take an average of two weeks. All the methods we discuss WORK as long as we are consistent.
Can’t I just read some sleep books and do this on my own?
Of course! However, I know when I was a sleep-deprived mama, I didn’t have the time or energy to weed through sleep books. I also really needed a clear plan designed for me, not just a general approach. Sometimes you feel like you’ve tried everything and you need a fresh set of eyes to give a new perspective. One of the greatest benefits of a sleep consultant is having a supportive coach to guide you and alter the plan if needed.
Do I need to live close to you?
No, we don’t need to live close, unless you would like an in-person consultation. All our work can be done through phone, Skype/FaceTime, or email.
Isn’t letting a baby cry damaging and harmful?
Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there regarding crying and self-soothing. Many of the scientific studies cited in these controversial articles deal with animals or children in impoverished, abusive, or abandoned conditions. Obviously no parent wants to hear their child cry and we will do our best to minimize tears. However, during this process there may be some tears, which is a child’s way of protesting a change. The methods I promote are aligned with valid scientific research and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
What kind of issues do you deal with?
Each family’s sleep difficulties are unique. I have worked with families dealing with reflux, colic, tongue ties, multiples- you name it! Some of the more common issues are: 4 month “sleep regression”, nap transitions, crib to bed transitions, nightwakings, and early rising. I find this job so rewarding and exciting because each family is its own challenging puzzle.
What is your training?
Many sleep consultants have no certification or formal training. I chose to receive my certification through the Family Sleep Institute, whose graduates often appear in media worldwide. My coursework included analysis of many sleep pioneers, such as Dr. Marc Weissbluth, Dr. Richard Ferber, Kim West (The Sleep Lady), and Dr. Williams Sears. My affiliation with the Family Sleep Institute also includes continuing support from other graduates, as well as continuing education courses. I am also a certified Happiest Baby on the Block Educator and a member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants.
This sounds great! How do we get started?
First, look over my packages and decide which would be the right fit for your family. I also offer a free 20 minute introductory call to discuss general sleep issues and really to see if we are the right fit for each other. During this call, I can also help determine which package would be best suited for you. Then I will send you a client intake form, which you will need to complete with as much detail as possible. This sleep questionnaire will ask about your child’s sleep environment, temperament, schedule, medical issues, and parent goals. Once the intake form is returned, I will analyze the answers and set up a time to call you with a phone or Skype consultation. During this consultation, we will discuss your intake form, your sleep issues & questions and review methods. After this consultation, I will create a personalized sleep plan for your family. Based on the package you choose, you will then receive follow-up support, where you can update me on your progress, ask questions, and make changes if needed.
Do you have recommendations for overnight and/or postpartum services?
Yes, I work closely with Doulas of the Palm Beaches. If you’re looking for overnight help with your baby, prenatal support, birth and/or postpartum doulas, they are your team!